Round 91 Changes


Across the lands wherein the Arwe and Gorm roam, the two factions had finally settled into a new era of prosperity, their gold-based economies thriving after centuries of bartering and exchange. The mysterious disappearance of the Therozou has left behind a lingering unease hanging heavy in the air. However, despite the unsettling vanishing of an entire faction, life went on, and the inhabitants of Odarena continued to build and expand their domains.

Whispers of unrest began to surface across the land — rumours of strange events occurring in far-off territories. Earthquakes shook the ground with unnerving frequency, and volcanoes could be seen far away erupting with an intensity not previously seen by Arwe and Gorm. Neither could determine the cause, and the people of Odarena grew increasingly anxious as they watched the horizon, fearing what might come next.

And then, it happened. From the depths of the earth, a new threat emerged. Long forgotten and unseen by the surface dwellers, the Swarm had remained hidden beneath the ground for eons. These creatures, living in intricate underground colonies, had been disturbed by the calamitous events taking place on the surface. The rumbling earth and scorching volcanic eruptions forced them to abandon their deepest homes and cracks in the surface exposed them to the above world.

The sudden appearance of the Swarm sent shockwaves of fear and chaos throughout Odarena. The Arwe and Gorm factions, previously preoccupied with their own rivalries and pursuits, found themselves facing a new enemy: one that threatened the very foundation of their world. Unbeknownst to them, the sinister machinations of a demonic force loomed in the shadows, and the Swarm was but the first sign of the darkness that was to come.


  • Resource trading reinstated.
  • All buildings by default house 15 people and provide 20 jobs.



  • Peasants produce 3 gold/tick.
  • Builds with gold and lumber.
  • Units:
    • Guard: 0/3 — 300 gold, 50 ore, 1 peasant — +300% casualties.
    • Foot Soldier: 2/1 — 150 old, 25 ore, 10 lumber, 1 peasant — +300% casualties.
    • Archer: 0/5 — 570 gold, 20 ore, 40 lumber, 1 draftee.
    • Mounted Blade: 5/3 — 1,400 gold, 200 ore, 1 draftee, 1 horse — plunders up to 4 ore and 2 lumber, returns two ticks faster.


  • Peasants produce 3 gold/tick.
  • Builds with gold and ore.
  • Draftees provide 1.5 DP.
  • Units:
    • Ogre: 0/6 — 600 gold, 120 ore, 20 food, 1 draftee — eats +0.50 food/tick.
    • Basher: 6/6 — 2,000 gold, 320 ore, 60 food, 1 draftee — plunders up to 4 ore, 2 lumber, and 2 food, eats +0.50 food/tick.


  • Peasants produce 3 gold/tick.
  • Builds with gold.
  • Traits:
    • Free rezoning.
    • Indestructible buildings.
  • Units:
    • Scarab: 0/2 — 450 gold, 1 draftee — produces 0.2 gems/tick.
    • Arachnid: 0/6 — 1,000 gold, 1 draftee — converts each killed enemy military power into 4 food per point.
    • Centipede: 7/4 — 2,800 gold, 1 draftee — -20% casualties on victory, converts each killed enemy military power into 4 food per point.


  • Vanished.


  • Not invented yet.


  • New — Aquifer (Swarm only): produces 40 food/tick.
  • New — Barracks: houses 36 military.
  • New — Burrow (Swarm only): houses 28 people.
  • Lumberyard production changed from 20 to 35 lumber/tick.
  • Ore Mine production changed from 20 to 35 ore/tick.
  • New — Nest (Swarm only): houses 34 military.
  • Saw Mill production changed from 20 to 35 lumber/tick.
  • New — Tunnel (Swarm only): 60 units return four ticks faster, increased by 0.04 units/tick.


  • Not invented yet.


  • Not established yet.


  • Housing changed from max +30% to +20%.
  • Defenses and Tactics max changed from +25% to +30%.
  • New — Markets: increases gold production (20/6,000) and resource exchange rate (20/8,000).


  • Not invented yet.


  • Not invented yet.


  • Gems (Swarm only).

Spells and Sorcery

  • Not discovered yet.


  • Not invented yet.


  • Not invented yet.


  • Chieftain: +2.50% offensive power,
  • Engineer, General, and Surveyor reinstated.

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