Round 93

Chronicles Click here to read. Gameplay Factions Arwe Beastfolk Demon Gorm Reptilians Sylvan Swarm Advancements Buildings Decrees Deities Improvements Beastfolk Sylvan Magic Cantrips (Level 0) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Faction Spells Demon Swarm Quickstarts Research Resources Sabotage Theft Titles

Round 92 Changes

Chronicles The arrival of the Swarm had left the world of Odarena in a state of chaos and turmoil. As the Arwe and Gorm factions briefly considered to unite against the common enemy breaking up from below the surface, an unexpected turn of events shifted the landscape of the battlefield. A massive Barbarian uprising erupted…

Round 91 Changes

Chronicles Across the lands wherein the Arwe and Gorm roam, the two factions had finally settled into a new era of prosperity, their gold-based economies thriving after centuries of bartering and exchange. The mysterious disappearance of the Therozou has left behind a lingering unease hanging heavy in the air. However, despite the unsettling vanishing of…