Round 70 Changes
- Working on some new ideas and concepts, but nothing major this round.
World News 2.0
- An almost entirely technical change only, but one which was well overdue. The previous World News code was a huge mess.
- In terms of game impact, just some minor cosmetic changes that will become apparent during the round.
- General World News (i.e. not for a specific realm) changed from max 48 hours ago to max 192 ticks ago.
- No, Erik, you still cannot disable Barbarian news. Sorry.
- Congregants produce an additional 0.70 blood/tick if paired with Archdemon (i.e. when the Archdemon is home).
- Cosmic alignment production changed from 1 to 10 per tick.
- Cosmic alignment cost to invade changed from 24 to 240.
- Cleric changed from 6/8 to 0/8. Cost changed from 1,000 gold, 100 ore to 700 gold, 150 ore.
- Pax training time changed from 7 to 6 ticks.
- Berserkers changed from +0.45 to +0.50 OP per victory in the last 96 ticks, and can now be released into a Champion.
- Experimental.
- Perks:
- +20% food consumption
- +50% lumber production
- Starts devoted to Urugdakh
- Land perks:
- Plains: 0.002 yaks/tick
- Mountain: 0.006 yaks/tick
- Swamp: 0.001 yaks/tick
- Forest: 0.002 yaks/tick
- Hill: 0.004 yaks/tick
- Water: 0.001 yaks/tick
- Units:
- Impaler: 4/2 — 600 gold, 80 ore — +2 OP if paired with 0.05 Warbosses.
- Shieldbearer: 0/4 — 600 gold, 80 ore — +2 DP if paired with 0.05 Warbosses.
- Doomrider: 0/8 — 2,000 gold, 400 ore, 1 yak — +20 OP and +8 DP if paired with 0.50 Warbosses, dies into 0.90 yaks.
- Warboss: 8/8 — 1,200 gold, 200 ore, 1 gem — +2 OP if paired with 20 Impalers.
- Gnarl conversion to Ravager changed from 0.50% to 1.50%.
- Fighter food cost changed from 440 to 480.
- No changes.
- Beacon (Lux only) changed from 30 housing to 36 housing.
- Portals unit production penalty removed, but unit production capped at 20% of land being portals (portals beyond 20% produce nothing).
- No changes.
- Urugdakh range multiplier changed from 0.80x to 0.75x.
- New — Yak: slower than horses but much stronger.
Spells and Sorcery
- Mana cost now calculated on the fly on the Sorcery page. It doesn’t always update so you might need to wiggle the Wizard Strength slider a bit if trying different spells with different base costs.
- Fixed a lot of bugs with duration spells.
- Charring Flames (Firewalker only) changed to +10% casualties, -10% construction costs.
Spy Ops
- No changes.
- No changes.