Round 20 Changes

Not much is changing for Round 20. Working on some heavy backend changes that will unlock some exciting stuff. Dragon restriction of max 1 Dragon per 300 acres of mountains removed. Afflicted Reaper cost changed from 600 plat, 200 ore, 1 prestige to 600 plat, 200 ore, 5% morale. Icekin Ice Elemental ore cost removed….

Round 18 Report

Outnumbering all but an Ant, the Kobold forces of 135 MPH quickly took command of the round. Practically no one was able to defend the Kobold which looked like an unstoppable force. The primarily Wood Elven forces of Commonwealth crumbled. The Ant was able to stay safe through sheer numbers but was not competitive in…

Round 19 Changes

Instead of randomly joining Commonwealth or Empire, Independent factions now form their own realm. This means we have four standard realms: Barbarians, Commonwealth, Empire, and Independent. Operation success formula changed to an error function. Dimensionalists and Merfolk moved to Independent. Firewalker gains 0.5% pop bonus per 1% Alchemies, max +20% pop at 40% Alchemies. Firewalker…

Round 17 Report

Round 17 — Safe and Sound — began with the Imperial forces seizing control, led by the Goblin forces of Zoinks, and with the support of another Goblin and a band of howling werewolves. And then there were trolls. So many trolls. With the mighty Mountain Trolls on the battlefield, the trolls seemed unstoppable at…

Round 18 Changes

General Land generated on invasion increased by (XP/1000000)%. Spell damage calculations cleaned up and refactored. Forest Haven fireball damage reduction uncapped. If you want to go 12.5% FH for 100% reduction, you do you. Masonry lightning bolt damage reduction also uncapped. Enjoy 80% reduction at 100% Masonries. Fireball base damage increased from 0.33% to 0.50%….


We have a simulator! Link: Here’s how it works: Create a new account. The sim uses an entirely separate database from the game. This lets me update the sim without affecting the game. Create a dominion as usual. Start ticking through protection like you would normally. Once you have depleted your protection ticks, you…

Round 16 Report

Round 16 – Conquer All – started with a valiant effort by the Commonwealth, led by a Halfling, a Growth, and the zealous Sacred Order, but they faced fierce competition from a Lycanthrope run amok, a Goblin, and Demons… Everywhere you looked, there were Demon forces. Unfortunate timing caused the Commonwealth forces to drop from three to…

Round 17 Changes

Protection Overhaul Protection is now entirely self-service and not time-based. Everyone starts with 80 ticks of protection. You manually proceed to the next tick by clicking a button on the Status page. Only when you have depleted your protection ticks are you OOP. Regardless of how long you take to do it. Normally scheduled ticks…

Round 15 Report

Round 15 – In Sickness, Until Death Do Us Part – will go down in the Chronicles of Odarena as the most vile, repulsive, and yet exciting. Left on the battlefield are rotting mounds of flesh and bones from fallen Abominations. Not even vultures circle it. Control was quickly seized by two Afflicted, who quickly amassed an…

Round 16 Changes

Human, Dwarf, and Sacred Order get a new hostile spell: Purification, kills 0.50% of Abominations for Afflicted.  Pestilence changes to giving 1% * [Target Peasants] * [Land Ratio] Abominations per tick. Abomination generation from Pestilence is now also limited by the “Reduced conversions” perk which previously have only lowered traditional conversions. Abomination extra food consumption…