Round 58 Changes

General Dominion stats changed from integers (INT) to big integers (BIGINT), allowing for far greater values to be stored. Production and consumption now stop in abandoned dominions. Factions Armada Plunder removed from Battleships. Artillery Cannot send expeditions. Cannons gain instant return. Dark Elf Slave Soldiers releases into 1 prisoner. Dimensionalists Not playable in round 58….

Round 57 Changes

General Protection starting resources changed to 0 except food. Construction, rezoning, and exploration are free for everyone for the first protection tick. While submitting to a deity, you are not allowed to take action against other dominions outside of your range but dominions outside of your range can take action against you, until the submission…

Round 56 Changes

General Resources 2.0! — beta We are now beta testing Resources 2.0. There is a high risk of resource-related bugs this round. Resources have been decoupled from the Dominion class, same as Spells 2.0, Buildings 2.0, and Imps 2.0. This means it’ll be a walk in the park to add unique resources, which in turn…

Round 55 Changes

General Lots of code clean-ups and trimming of the database. Should have no impact, or maybe save fractions of milliseconds of load times. Info ops removed. Op Center and Intelligence replaced by Insight: Only available once the round starts. Real-time view of all advisors of all dominions which are not protection and whose rounds have…

Round 54 Changes

General Land target added to rounds. Pure technical change. The game now keeps track of number of ticks that have taken place, which marks the beginning of a gradual shift away from anything time-based to pure tick-based. Any perk that is based on ticks does not count protection ticks. Only ticks of the round as…

Round 53 Changes

General Guards/Leagues 2.0: Deities From the Government page, you can now devote your dominion to a deity in exchange for some perks (good and bad). Because I expect changes, I’ve decided not to list deities and their perks here and instead deployed them on the sim: For every tick that you remain devoted to…

Round 52 Changes

General Tick Service 1.1: a bunch of technical changes will be tested (and changed) during the round. Expect things to get buggy and spicy as I try new features to reduce/remove frozen ticks (or at least reduce the damage they cause). Casualties Calculator 1.1: big under the hood changes. All old stats and imps (before…

Round 51 Changes

General Positive prestige gains for hitting abandoned dominions cut in half. Factions Artillery: Instant return on all units. Gnome: Advancement level requirement for units changed from 8 to 6. Human: Man-at-Arms cost changed from 365 gold, 20 ore to 325 gold, 25 ore. Spearman changed from 0/7 to 0/7.5. Kerranad: Starts with 300,000 gems instead…

Round 50 Changes

General Improvements 2.0 Beta test of Improvement 2.0: there are no known issues/bugs. As of writing, left to do: Support for permanent and temporary improvements damage. Masonries. Unit-pairing and other perks reliant on improvements. Improvements are aspects of your dominion that the government (you) invests resources into. They are not physical manifestations of anything. As…

Round 49 Changes

General Prestige interest: prestige grows by [Prestige] * ([Net Victories] / 40,000) per tick. In order for prestige interest to work, prestige now stored as a decimal value, but only ever shown and used rounded down (floor([Prestige]). This means that you will continue to earn decimals of prestige but only integers count (599.0 and 599.9…